Diesel Oxidation Catalysts

ByNOx SCR systems are produced by Bersy for the reduction of nitrogen oxides (NOx). The systems use an aqueous urea solution injected inside the exhaust line together with special reducing catalysts.
As an option, Bersy can also integrate oxidation catalysts to reduce carbon monoxide (CO) emissions.

The application of ByNOx systems is recommended for generators and cogeneration plants powered by diesel, natural gas or other biofuels.

  • Highly customized system
  • Modular injection system and dosing strategy
  • Nitrogen oxide reduction higher than 99%.

Specially designed pumps inject the urea and a control system monitors several operating parameters such as the temperature and back pressure of exhaust gases, engine load, quantities of incoming and outgoing NOx, urea level, injection pressure and so on. Thanks to this accurate injection control, reduction can reach higher than 99%.
Every ByNOx system is sized and customized according to the type of engine, fuel used, emission limits and spaces available for installation.